The Amazon warehouse under construction in Robbinsville on Friday, May 23, 2014. Mercer County officials expect the Amazon warehouse to have a soft opening in June and slowly ramp up employment through the rest of the year. The county is trying to get a federal Job Access Reverse commute grant which, combined with $10,000 from both the county and Amazon, would go towards setting up a shuttle.
Two months after sending its first package from the newly built mega-warehouse in Robbinsville, Amazon confirmed it has hired more than 1,000 full-time employees to work at the facility.
That number does not include part-time or seasonal employees, said spokeswoman Kelly Cheeseman in an email.
“We have found top talent in abundance in the area,” Cheeseman said in an email. “This site is Amazon’s largest in the region and growing quickly to meet customer demand.”
The full-time employees hired since the building opened in July are eligible for benefits in addition to their wages including health insurance, a 401(k) with a 50 percent match, stock options, bonuses and 95 percent tuition reimbursement for courses related to high-demand skills.
Robbinsville Mayor Dave Fried said at a recent appearance that he is glad the development could bring so many good jobs to the region.
County Executive Brian Hughes said the Mercer County One-Stop Career Center has been working to connect those interested in working at the facility with jobs.
“We’ve sent hundreds of clients to Integrity Staffing Solutions, the employment agency that works to fill positions at Amazon and other warehouses,” Hughes said.
“Integrity reports to the county that it currently sees hundreds of applicants daily with the majority of those applicants coming from Mercer County and the City of Trenton, followed by Burlington and Monmouth counties,” Hughes said.
The ZLine, a shuttle wich connects the Matrix Business Park to public transportation routes, has had to add a second bus to the route to keep up with demand.
“The bus was at capacity on some of the runs,” said Ceryl Kastrenakes, executive director of the Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association.
Kastrenakes said thousands of trips have been given on the line with a steady amount of growth as the holidays approach and more seasonal employees are brought on. The largest demand, she said is before and after the overnight shift, when other public transportation options are not running.
“At this point we are just really pleased that it is a success and at what it is doing to create employment opportunities for people in Mercer County to access a job they might not have previously had access to,” Kastrenakes said.
Cheeseman said Amazon is continuing to hire thousands of additional seasonal employees at Robbinsville in anticipation of a busy holiday season and are actively recruiting.
“Many seasonal employees will stay on in long-term roles,” Cheeseman said.
For more information or to apply for positions at the warehouse visit or contact the Mercer County One Stop Career Center at (609) 989-6523.
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